Mar 29, 2009

2009 Waters - Red River

These pictures are of the rising Red River - 2009
Here are some pictures of what we see here in St Jean so far. The pictures here were taken on Tuesday March 27th before the major snow fall that came Wednesday and Thursday.

The top left picture - is of the sign welcoming you to St Jean at the North entrance of town. No threat of flooding there yet. I have taken some before shots so you can have an idea of what may come...The hwy the runs behind the sign is HWY 75 going south to the USA.
Top Middle picture - This tree is on the east side of the bridge next to our place. It's almost as if I use it as a water gauge!
Top Right picture - This picture is the bridge next to our place. Tomorrow it will be closed and will have over 50 huge cement weights on it to hold it down. I'll take some more pics you can see.
Bottom Pictures - are some shots taken so you can see how close it's getting to the top of the dike. Our backyards and homes are on the other side of the grassy ring dike. The river is headed north in these pictures.

Mar 11, 2009

Zone - Dan's first attempt at Theatre

It was Dan's first try at Theatre.

When Claude Goulet asked him to be part of Theatre Montcalm, he jumped right on board. Not quite sure of what he had gotten himself involved in, he was hesitant and almost upset that he had agreed so quickly, but with a little encouragement and support he took part in the first reading of the script and never looked back.

I'm really proud of him for stepping outside of his comfort zone!