Jun 7, 2008

Bambi Is That You?

One of Natures Lessons!
We came across this new born fawn on our way back from the Roland Golf Course. It lay so still, alive but what we thought was barely breathing. Not knowing what to do next, my mom picked it up and moved it further from the road as it lay so close to the edge. We looked around for it's mother wondering if she had abandonned the little one or if she would even be back for it. The little one was still so new that parts of it were still wet and part of the umbilical cord was still attached. When I told my nieces that we'd have to find a name for it, they were very creative and came up with "Bambi", how much more original can you get from a 4 year old!!! So Bambi it was to them, but for my nephew it was "Archie". We went back a short time later to check up on Bambi or Archie and it was up on it's feet. A little wabbly and shaky but none the less it was so very alive and very playful! We were told that the mother couldn't have been that far away and that she would be back for it before dusk. We trust she did.

Here is a link with some information on what you should do if you come across a new born fawn.

Jun 5, 2008

As Featured on Paper Peddlers blog May 31st

For the second time in a week DzDesigns has been featured in another great Etsian's blog.

Sarah, from Paper Peddler, has featured some of the cards I've made using supplies I'd purchased from her shop on Etsy.

The cards can viewed on Sarah's blog as well. They can also be seen and purchased from my shop.

What a great idea!

Thank you to Paper Peddler for putting together such a wonderful feature.

May 28, 2008

Thank You Chicki !

Hey everyone - Thanks for stopping by. It's very flattering to be in the Featured Etsian spot on a fellow Etsians' blog.

Before you leave my blog, be sure to add my blogspot as well as my etsy boutique to your favorites and come back to visit when you can!

I will be featured on Chicki's blog for the next week. Make sure to stop in to give her a wave as well. She's an awesome jewelry creator.

May 27, 2008

What a pair 6- 2008

It is so fabulous to be a part of this event

May 25, 2008

What a pair

Who would have thought...

The Breast Cancer Awareness card as well as the Olive You card will be part of the Celebrity Gift Bags to be handed out at this year's "What A Pair 6" being held at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles California on June the 8th.

150 cards; 75 of the Breast Cancer Awareness Card and 75 Olive You Cards were prepared for the upcoming event. 75 "For You" - DzDesigns Boutique Guest Invitations were also prepared and will be included in the Celebrity Gift Bags.

It is a great honor for me to have my product included in this years gift bags.

May 21, 2008

I was featured in the TransCanada team blog!

Check my featured page in the blog and stay to see more!

Studio Makeover Series

This Is the shelving unit we built for the studio. Stay tuned for further updates and photos of the transformations.

May 18, 2008